the one with a “catch-up” on my life the last two years

to live with the idea of “NO REGRETS” isn’t courageous. It is actually the lack of courage to self-reflect.
— Brene Brown, (I think)

I have so much to tell you. So, much! But I have to start at the beginning where things started. Where I feel like I lost a bit of myself starting in 2022. Please be patient, but I’ve had several life-changing experiences in the past two years, and jotting it all down here on my blog helps me to process everything. I love telling stories through photos, so let’s try and catch you up that way. Settle in, this one is a LONG ONE.

Me in Sacramento, February 2022, right before Mom, Betty Cheryl Batcheller moved in with us in Texas.

That’s right. 2022 started with a BANG, a big one! My mom is Betty Cheryl Batcheller. You can read the blog post with her obituary HERE. She had been suffering from a lung disease for years. And she was full-time taking care of my step-dad, Donnie. It would have been fine if these two were in a city or town nearby to anyone who could help them. Or even if they lived somewhere where they didn’t lose power for a month at a time. Yep. You read that right. My mom would keep a wood stove burning through the night to keep them warm and all on oxygen full-time. When the power went out? She relied on bottled oxygen and that was not easy. She would turn it down to conserve thinking tomorrow the power will come on, right? Oh. And they did not have cell phone coverage in this spot of the universe, nor adequate internet. Many times when the electricity went out, so did their ATT landline. It wasn’t easy living for anyone, let alone two individuals approaching their 80’s.

This is my sweet Mom, in her home in Downieville, CA.

She needed to move. She needed to be closer to help. But my stepdad refused to leave “his piece of heaven on earth”. And he dug his feet in HARD. They both got COVID in late 2021 and were very sick. They lost power and my step-dad fell going to the garage to feed a cat that had decided to stay there for the winter, and he broke a few lungs in the process. My mom couldn’t get him up off the cold ground and had to call for help. Of course, she called us and we decided to travel there to help. We, being my sister, Kim, and me. We are the only children she has. Once we realized he would be moving to rehab, broken ribs, and pneumonia in a state that basically shuts down and takes away all your rights to life, we knew mom needed us to step in and help. We decided that we would move her to Texas, in with me temporarily until something permanent could be decided. This was February, 2022.


This is the two of them saying goodbye before we left for the airport. It was BRUTAL watching this! Donnie begged us not to leave him there forever.

Mom needed help and we knew he was in good hands. We moved her into our home and our lives and I’m so very thankful we did! It was truly the closest I’ve ever felt to my mom (and my stepdad) and such a good thing for them as well. And all our families. Well, maybe not my sister’s family, as she lives in Long Beach, California, and felt left out much of the time. There’s no one way to please everyone involved, but that’s life and you deal with it as it comes at you. =

Along with my mom came their dog, Duke. Quite the handful and I’m not sure he ever warmed to me due to some furniture and pee issues. And that’s OK. He had Mom to love on him and keep him from missing Donnie, who wouldn’t come to move to Texas until almost 4 months later. I’ll get there. I’m laying this out Month to Month. Remember we are PROCESSING.

We settled in. I drove her everywhere and started helping her set up new doctors to take care of her and get her up to speed on health issues she had been putting off for YEARS. New pulmonologists, new primary physicians, new dentists, new haircut people, paperwork, copying, sharing notes, ALL the things to uproot your life and settle into a new place. A new routine. It was hard. Lots of work, lots of emotions. For all of us and I’m sure everyone around me. My normal routine changed. I didn’t have “my time” I had “our time”. Food was planned around medications. Clothing was needed, and wheelchairs were bought. Just so many things now that I go back through my photographs.

Still in February, my beautiful niece, Brooke got engaged!!!! We knew ahead of time and it was a total surprise for her. We left mom home in Slaton while we traveled to Waco. This was her first time alone in my home. This is the trip that I realized I couldn’t do that again. When we arrived back home, I noticed that the food wasn’t eaten because she didn’t have the energy to fix things for herself or plan her meals. I shouldn’t leave her unless someone was here to check in on her, bring her food, and make sure she was OK. Lesson learned and we started planning our scheduled events around my sister’s visits. That was a huge blessing! She would fly in and take care of Mom while I would work out of town. Everything had to be pre-thought, pre-planned. But we did it and I would again. And again, and again.

Mom loved the sunshine and enjoyed the slow pace of country living in West Texas. She enjoyed visiting with our family and friends who would stop by and she got to know them and enjoyed them! Another golden nugget out of her move to West Texas was the relationship she and Devin enjoyed. They had coffee together in the mornings. Devin is a morning person, me? Not so much and they quickly got close and nurtured a relationship they had never had before. This was good life. Good times.

My life changed. I still tried to do ALL THE THINGS and do my full time job, running a photography business. Many days, I wouldn’t even get out of my clothes and would sleep in them. YEP. True story. I would just crash and wake up and do it all again the next day. I was still trying to live my old life even though my new life had drastically changed. My work suffered. My clients suffered. There was no easy way to do it all. So, I made the decision to quit working for the magazines I had loved working for before mom moved to Texas. I pulled my google ads and said no to lots of portrait sessions. I was torn like a new momma is torn between her baby and a job she loved. I couldn’t do both full time, so I hired a house keeper to help with the cleaning and I let go of some major photography work.

March 2022

When my stepdad refused to come and stay in Texas, we took Duke to him. He wanted his dog and thought he could take care of him. Me and mom flew to California to visit him and bring the dog. We had to medicate him to keep him from barking and between mom and oxygen, the wheelchair, and the dog, it was A LOT. We almost always ended up giggling somewhere and met so many wonderful people along our travels. It wore Mom out in the worst way. One day of flying would equal a full day of rest after we got there. I’m sure for Duke as well. LOL

April - May 2022

June 2022

July 2022

August 2022

It’s now September. And life is busy. Stressful  I’m not even sharing the 1/2 of everything we are going through just staying afloat and maintaining a sense of normal in a house of chaos. And I know so many caregivers can relate. When people rely on you for everything it can be taxing and hard and a part of me just wanted to hop on a plane and go far far away. Another part of me? It loved taking care of them and making plans with them to enjoy their lives. But that meant sacrificing a huge part of mine and the business I built for years. Even built back after cancer. I struggled emotionally and physically, but realized this is life and this is good and somehow I needed to learn to juggle. Right? Juggle.

I’ll publish this post and continue with the rest of the months soon.

Thank you if you get this far in reading about my journey. It truly is helping me allow some grace into my life just by going through the memories. Thank you.

Love does,


the one with a “catch-up” part 2


the one with my mom’s obituary