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Here’s where we dig into some nitty gritty! If you’re the kind of person that likes to get as much info as you can before meeting in person then let’s get to it. HOWEVER…please, remember that none of this info is my way or the highway. I’m a people person first and foremost, so use these questions as guidelines to my services. When we meet in person or online, we can hammer out the details, okay?
Heck no, posed photos are part of the day too! When I say documentary that means I aim to tell the entire story of the day and part of that is everyone you love all shined up and looking their best in a family portrait. However, the people who hire me don’t tend to want hours and hours of that. They want them done, quick and easy so they can get on to the party. We’ll go over a detailed timeline before your wedding to make sure we get those family photos done lickety-split. (Do the kids say lickety-split anymore? Doesn’t matter because I do!)
Yes and no. It really depends on the wedding. Sure, it’s always nice to have an extra set of hands. You know, hold your dress, get me water, hold my extra gear, massage my feet, etc. However, most people do not like the feeling of a paparazzi-like entourage following them around all day. The main photographer is always me. I decide the best place for lighting the portraits. This train rolls the way I say. Which basically means, with the flow and photographing your day. We do live in Texas, where everything is bigger, so…these big ole’ Texas wedding with lots of guests and multiple locations always roll awesome when I bring an assistant to help wrangle gear and help with light photography duties.
Personally? No. I don’t think you NEED one. Sure, it’s nice to have two perspectives of the day, 2 angles, 2 viewpoints. But the curated story of the moments of your day is all mine to capture and tell. When working with two photographers, one stays with the bride, typically me, because HELLO! Living Barbie. And the other? With the groom. We meet back up during the ceremony and stay together until the end. I have several photographers that I work with that also shoot in a documentary manner similar to me. A few live here in the West Texas area, one in the Dallas area. No worries, they are friendly, nice and professional photographers that do this job on their own as well. Not an intern, not a newbie, a REAL LIVE PHOTOGRAPHER!
I have no idea. This is the same answer I give people when they ask me how many megapixels my camera is. I’m a visual storyteller, not a gear head or a bean counter and I take as many photos as I need to tell the story of the day. I can tell you that most of my clients get somewhere between 600-800 final photos delivered, that seems to be my sweet spot.
I’ll whet your whistle with a sneak peek within 48 hours, and your final images will be delivered 4-6 weeks after your wedding depending on my workload. I retouch every single STINKING image (I’ve tried not to, can’t do it) so what you get will be a fully curated, gorgeous set of photos that you can download immediately and print out to your heart’s desire.
There’s not much that would keep me from a wedding day. I’ve kicked more sickness to the curb than I care to speak of, and it would take a major Act of God to keep me away from being at your wedding. That being said, and as much as I hate to admit it, I am human. If I absolutely, positively could not be at your wedding day because I'm being bodily restrained in a hospital bed I have a wide network of full-time professional photographers who would step up to the plate to help, as I would for them if the tables were turned.
Let’s put it this way. Your daily dishes from Target probably aren’t expensive, but the china you registered for is. You invested in the china because you knew it was special and would be something you pass down to future generations. The same goes for wedding albums. They are one of a kind, AMAZING legacies that you can pass down to your children and their children. In a world where digital is king, these books will be tactile, treasured books that you can hold and love. The album process is simple and straightforward, I do all the heavy lifting. Let’s chat more about how that happens in person.
Since the dawn of time, also known as the days where we shot film. I’m not going to tell you exactly when that was, but I’ll let you guess at the math. I’ve shot over 300 weddings, and I’ve pretty much seen it all. Let’s just say that at one of my weddings when a street gang showed up to salsa dance with a wedding band I was the only who was not surprised.
YAY! I’m so happy you do! Let’s make beautiful photos together! Just get in touch, and we’ll get the ball rolling on how to make this thing happen.