the one with a coffee break
I interrupt this program for a coffee break. I'm still sipping past noon, and while I'm backing up some sessions, I'm rambling.
American Idol
For the first time since Kelly Clarkson was on American Idol, I've watched. I blame Jennifer Lopez, dang it. The girls is so pretty that one day, walking through my living room, there she was during the New Orlean's auditions and she caught my eye. I just sat down for a bit to watch along with the girls, and I was quickly sucked in. She's good. And then, to add Steven Tyler to the mix! I was sold. So, I admit. I'm hooked. Now I just need to make sure the Tivo is working and ready to roll for my late night TV watching times. Oh, yeah.
The LEAST favorite part of my job. I quickly tire of everything, and much prefer the pictures to speak. So I leave everything plain and clean and white, much like my home, and it's fine. But it doesn't really speak about me and I realize after all the books and research I have done, branding matters. Can the void of branding be my brand? I'd like that.
Ôªøfacebook on the iphone
It sucks. I'm sorry, but it should be better than this. You get a tone that you have a message or notification, and you go to your facebook ap and highlight the notification that tells you someone commented on a photo. When you push it, it doesn't even go to the photo. It hangs, it throws you out. It makes facebook awful. And while I'm at it, why did they mess with the picture viewing thing? HELLO! It's corny. Very corny. Not what I expected. I expected better.
The Oscars
I love Anne Hathaway and I thought she did pretty darn good, (despite one bad dress choice), hanging there beside FAILING James Franco. That's a tough gig. I'm not sure it's ever a "win-win" situation unless you pull it off like Steve Martin did. He was always professional, classy, and just enough sarcasm in his tone that you knew he was much cooler than the gig. That's what it takes to host the Oscars.
dogs in heat
I need advice. Kanga is in heat and it's insane! First of all, it's gross. A complete mess, but you can't keep her locked in her kennel all day. And dogs in heat behave differently. They are needy, moody, sleepy and just plain exhausting. You can't let her out on potty breaks on her own. And she doesn't want to be left in. She barks at everything. EVERYTHING. And the mess! What do you do? Try diapers? Follow her around with a mop? I want to forget breeding her and just take her to the vet and have her fixed already. But the kids and Devin want to breed her and someone once told me it settles them. Is this true? Because she was a great dog before heat arrived, so I'm thinking she'll be fine if I just get her fixed and skip the puppy part. And I have questions. How long does heat last? When will it be over? Do I really want a dog? All these and more questions go through my mind.
Feel free to leave comments if you are familiar with this situation.
you can smell it in the air. Girls are wearing shorts, the sun is staying up longer. Everyone is giddy and happy. It's just around the corner and you can feel it. I like it. Change is always good.