I'm bummed, seriously.
Beyond bummed, actually. But I'll get over it. I always do. Did you know that today was a day set aside months ago for a workshop here in Lubbock. A photography workshop, no doubt. And I was excited. Very excited. You see, it'd been since last March that I got to go to a workshop and hang out and learn all about something.
Okay, I just lied. It's been since this summer, but dang it, I wanted to go today too.
Instead, I'm home working, doing errands, cleaning, etc.
Why? Why you ask?
Because there was too much to do. If I had spent the entire day at a workshop, I would have started my work week behind. Very behind. And those of you that know me, pretty much know I stay behind. It's how I work the best. I don't intend to stay behind, I just stay that way because I talk a lot. I read a lot.
I browse a lot.
I think a lot.
I play with photos a lot.So, no workshop.
No learning.
Just wifey mommy stuff.
If anyone did go to Sandy Allen's workshop at Drake's Studio, will you blog about it? Or write about it on facebook? Twitter it in 140 characters or less?
Pretty please. Then I would be slightly less bummed.