the one where Ciara + Mason get married at Autumn Oaks

You all…West Texas is WET! For the first time in a long time, someone had to move their wedding indoors because of rain. And boy! Was it a good call, because it was a LOT of rain! HELLO! Mason and Ciara were married at Autumn Oaks on Saturday and made the call to move the ceremony indoors after a downpour the morning. We never left the cover of protection due to all the rain and in fact, a few guests were even stuck in the rain! Praise the Lord, God brought the rain and yes, I KNOW it’s supposed to be good luck. So, I hope these two are gambling somewhere soon to hit the JACKPOT! Because they have luck banked up for years. LOL

Enjoy this sneak peek you two and best wishes ALWAYS for a wonderful life together. So much joy and happiness was all around!

Love does,


the one with Gabriella and Caleb’s engagement session


the one with Gabi and James in downtown Lubbock