the one with the Lubbock Cooper Pom Squad, 2018
How cute are these kids? I LOVE working with the Lubbock Cooper Pirate Pom Squad! They are so full of personality and energy and always so respectful and nice. And their sponsor/Coach, Amber is always so organized and helpful. This time, we met at the LUCA and immediately a rainstorm. HELLO! Like pouring flooding hard rain, WITH HAIL. But it only lasted about 20 minutes and we waited it out under the stage area. Afterward, everything smelled so good and clean and we just went on with your plans.
They use these images throughout the year to promote the squad and to make promotional posters. You know the ones you see in business on their walls? I'm always so excited to see them! Do anyone of you find yourself staring at all the posters? I do, constantly!
Best Wishes on an AWESOME school year, POM SQUAD!!! Maybe I'll see you at a game?!?!
Love Does,