the one with Jessica, a bridal at the Lubbock Garden and Arts
I've been dying to show off these bridal portraits since the moment I saw them! HELLO! Jessica is getting married today and I'm at home packing my gear, getting ready for her big day and writing this blog post!
I've known Jessica since she was little. Like very little! I lived down the street (ha, FM Road 41!) and her mom and I were good friends. She's a Cooper Girl! (some of the BEST girls in the world) and when she got engaged, I desperately wanted to be a part of her day.
Here we are! Many moons later and she's getting married! Jessica, you are a gorgeous bride! You smile like your Grandmother, Shirley and you have a joy filled spirit that just makes everyone happy. I'm so excited for you!!!
Best wishes, and see you in a couple of hours.
Love does,