the one with the Lubbock Cooper Cross Country Team

School starts today for some.  My facebook feed has been blowing up all day!  It makes me a little sad actually, because mine are starting their first days of school from their college rooms.  Not home.  I shall have to live vicariously through all those I see on facebook and remember, I have less laundry then you.  I'll take comfort in that thought.  Meanwhile...I have some gorgeous athletes to share with you.  May I introduce LCP's Cross Country Team.  They are coached by Christie Parsley and HELLO!  are amazing kids to pose for me and my camera in the weeds over by the CMS football field.  I love them for that.  Here's to an AWESOME season, kids!  Push hard, play hard, win hard.  View more of these fabulous kids by CLICKING HERE.

Love does,


the one with the Monterey VB Team in my pool


the one where it's TCU Time!