the one with the WPJA Q1 award results

I'm happy to announce I'm a member of the WPJA.  The Wedding Photojournalist Association.  I believe in the still image and the value it holds to our future generations.  And not only the still image, but the documentary STILL IMAGE.  So, even though I make "pretty pictures" of details, portraits, flowers, etc., my heart lies in the documentary aspect of the day.  All the little candid moments that go by in a jiffy.   When you look at the picture years later, it instantly takes you back to how you felt, what was going on, what you were thinking.  That person and how much they mean to you.  Or maybe they don't.  Whatever the case, it gives you a glimpse of reality in that place or time.  I know, I know, I'm getting all sappy, but it's like I'm jumping up and down over here saying, "I believe!  I believe!"  And I do.  I'm all in.

They announced their contest winners for Q1 Contest.  They have them several times of year and I just love clicking through them and viewing all the AMAZING images!  You should go grab yourself a little something to drink and lose yourself for a while.


And no, I didn't enter the contest.  But I will.  So someday soon, I'll post a link to the winners and HELLO!  You'll see one of my photos.

Love Does,



the one with the fairytale wedding speech


the one with the WPJA Q1 Contest Results