the one where Idalee is CDA Daughter of the Year

Beautiful morning! I snapped this on the way to mass this morning. We needed to get there a little early. We made it on time, which is early for us. YEAH!

Idalee, Devin's grandma, was being presented with an award at mass and we definitely wanted to be a part of it. The Catholic Daughter's were giving her the CDA Member of the Year. Such an honor and so many lovely things were said during the presentation. Someone recorded it and if I get the chance, I'll post it here. Thank you, Mark. :)

I'll also post the many family photos we took today and introduce you to most of them. But someone else photographed them and she's emailing them to me later. Thank you, April!

Congratulations, Idalee and thank you for being such a wonderful role model for the Bednarz Women.


the one where Megan + Andrew rehearse | the Orchard, Azel, Texas


the one where the LCHS Pirates play Shallowater in football