the one where they play tennis

Tennis balls just waiting to be hit.


Guess who's off from The Bull Stop? Um, yeah. That would be me. And guess who's still in her PJ's? Yep, me too. I'm home still in my PJ's doing laundry and cleaning house and catching up on everything "kristin + camera" wise. It feels good. While posting the remaining images from Katie + Matt's wedding reception, I found tennis camp. Yep. A good documentary photographer keeps her mad photo skills honed by photographing, well, tennis.

Coach Holley hosted a tennis camp back in June and called to let me know. I'm glad he did! We have some amazing kids at Lubbock-Cooper! Not to mention, great Coaches! To view more, CLICK HERE. Type inpirates when prompted.

Love does,





the one where I show a soft, pretty ceiling at The Legacy in Lubbock


the one where cori and michael get married