Getting better
I'm still working on my mad softball skills. I'm getting better, but it's still not where I want to be. I'll get there.
One thing I've been working on is sharpness in my photos. Which is super difficult in sports photos. HELLO! I shot these with an extender on my 70-200 and it sure helped get close to the action. But everyone who's anyone that has played with an extender knows you sacrifice sharpness a bit. However, it saves me $7K in a new lens, so I'll play some more.
I found out that it helps to resize my images BEFORE I run them through Kevin Kubota's Magic Sharp. LOVE the result and I think they look pretty darn good. Shoot me some blog love (comments) if you think so, too. Also no sharpening is done in camera. Mainly because I've never changed the default settings since I unpacked the thing from Canon. I've never changed parameters when shooting although I know several photographers who do have great results with that.
Midland Greenwood started out pretty strong, but we are playing AWESOME! AND I will give shout-out to our great coaches at Cooper! I'm in the dug-out a lot and these coaches are AWESOME! Yes, they yell and get mad when someone screws up. Remember, they are HUMAN coaches, but they always remember to praise, lift - up and most important, have fun. :)
Kristin | professional light chaser
I love this shot of Boo after her home run! This was made between 2nd and 3rd with me in the dug out. That extender makes my 200 a 400 which is AWESOME for me and the action. Now if I could just anticipate where they are going to hit the ball. LOL This is Jackson up above.
So, C U T E it hurts me a little inside.
Here's a fun video I put together for the girls.