>st. joseph church


It's early Saturday and I'm leaving for a wedding in Tahoka. One I've been looking forward to all season! I'll fill you in later, when the emotions are fresh. But since the Parish Directory is complete, at least my part of it, I thought I'd share a few of my favorites.

Laughter is the best. It's been such a pleasure to be a part of this much fun! You get to sit and visit with all the members or your parish that partake in such a thing and on top of that, they are Happy God Filled People! You can learn so much just from spending a few miutes with someone you've sat next to your entire church life in a pew!

Thank you St. Joseph!

You can see more of our Parish Directory by going to my online galleries at THIS LINK. Look for the featured galleries towards the top.


>georgia and jacob


the one with Casey + Allison, an engagement